Register with Spire Online

Thank you for choosing to sign up to Spire online. If you don't have an account with us already don't worry as this will set one up for you. Please note that we only sell to trade customers. Once you have filled out the short form below our web team will verify your details and email you over some login details. These will allow you to manage your account, view pricing and place orders online.

Company Details

Registered Company Name
Trading Name (if different)
Post Code
Company Reg. No. (if applicable)
VAT Reg. No. (if applicable)
Spire Account Number (if known)

Contact Details

Main Telephone Number
Alternate / Mobile Telephone
Email Address
Purchasing Contact
Accounts Contact

Business Details

Business Legal Entity?
Type of Company
Type of Company (if other)
Name of Owner / Partner / Director
No. of Years Trading
No. of Employees
Annual Turnover
Estimated Monthly Spend
Trade Reference (N/A if none available)
How did you hear about Spire?
How did you hear about Spire? (if other)

Security Details

Security Code
Security Image
Enter Code:

Please Note: Registrations are processed during the working day. It may take up to half an hour before your account becomes active. You will be emailed to confirm account activation. Thank you.

© 2024 Copyright Spire Technology Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Spire Technology Ltd. Registered in England No: 2447513 - VAT No: GB 541 8952 25 - Registered Office: 5 Black Moor Rd, Ebblake Industrial Estate, Verwood, Dorset. BH31 6AX E&OE Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the prices and specification on this website are correct, it is provided on the understanding that Spire Technology Ltd. shall not be liable under any circumstances for any consequential loss or damages (including, without limitation, loss of profit or other economic loss and whether caused by the negligence of ourselves, our employees or agents or otherwise) which arises out of or in connection with the information provided on the Site.

Solweb Limited

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